Nutanix – Listing SSD as HDD

Your SSD is likely to be listed as an HDD in the Hardware -> Table -> Disk overview, like mine is here:

In order to solve this, we will need to SSH to the CVM, then change the information using ncli. Note the Disk ID for the hard drive with the wrong tier setting.

1. SSH as nutanix@{CVM_IP}
2. Type in the shell: ncli disk ls

Note the Disk ID (Id) from before. In my case, 14 matches and is indeed listed as Storage Tier: HDD.

3. Type in the shell: ncli disk update id={id} tier-name={tier_name}

As my case above, the full Id of the disk, and then a tier-name. Which is immediately reflected as Storage Tier: SSD as well as in the UI:

The Storage Tiers are as follows:

Storage Tier naming on Nutanix

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